Friday, February 29, 2008

Family Fun Night

Well Madison is feeling better today. She ran a fever this morning but not since. She took about a two hour nap today and got a good shower and was as good as new.

We had tickets to go to the Auburn University Gymnastics Meet against Illinois tonight. This was our first time to go and we loved it! Keith even enjoyed the meet. We met with others from our church for a family fun night. We ate at Chick-fil-a and then went to the meet. We will have to do that again. The girls were great! I just wish I had their figures. It has made Allison and Madison want to take gymnastics. We told them we have to make it thru softball season first!

Oh, by the way Allison's softball coach will be Ms. Brandy again this year. We are so excited. Madison was going to play T-ball until she found out that she had to be on a team with boys. She decided she would just cheer for Allison and watch Baylee during her games.

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