Monday, August 11, 2008

Back to School Again

Well today began another year of school for the girls. Allison is in the fifth grade and Madison is in the first. This will be to only year that they will be at the same school. I better enjoy it while it lasts. Allison being the fifth grader that she is did not want me or Keith to walk her in to school. Thank goodness that Madison will still be seen with us. This too may be the last year for that. The girls were up early and ready to go. Madison was a little worried about going to a new school, but she got over that real quick.

Keith and his dad have been replacing the old metal roof on the back porch with a nice new wood one. The roofer is supposed to come tomorrow if the weather is permitting. Let hope so.

Baylee is doing good. She is getting over some injuries. She began swinging her back right leg a week ago due to a bacteria infection. While she was taking antibiotic, she some how landed on the foot wrong and completely broke her outer toe. She is now in a splint and a lamp shade collar. She was so embarrassed Wednesday when she got the lamp shade. She is better now and just runs into everything with it. I will be taking her back to the vet tomorrow to have her splint replaced and maybe some more x-rays.

Madison lost another took Tuesday. She pulled it by herself again. She is such a big girl. That makes two. Allison is just growing up so fast. She is turning into a young lady so fast. Yesterday a church I noticed that several of the girls 2 years older than her are developing. What a shock! I do not think we are ready for that yet.

The girls had a great summer! The enjoyed Camp Kaleidoscope. They got to spend a week in Macon with Momma Joy and Grandaddy Jim. They got to spend sometime with Pop and GranAnne at the lake and in Auburn. Grammy and Paw Paw came last week to help us out. Without grandparents it would be so hard on us. Keith and I are so grateful to have parents that want to spend time with our children. Like I told the kids, I do not have any gifts or toys that my grandparents gave me as a child, however I do have a lot of memories. That is what I would like for my children to have.

Well I need to get the children in bed! They have just gotten out of the shower.

Love to All,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor lil Bailee with her lamp shade. I hope she recovers soon!
Lots of love, Hollie