Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Flu Has Come To The Horne House

Well, I guess that it as inevitable. We all got our flu shots, however this year they we about 40% effective. Madison was the so called lucky one. Yesterday morning she woke up asking for water. She said that her throat was itchy, otherwise she felt fine. I gave her some allergy medicine and Tylenol and sent her to school. I assumed it was just nasal drainage. At 3:40 her after school teacher called me and said that Madison just wanted to let me know that her head hurt and her throat was still itchy. I called Keith and he went ahead and picked her up early and brought her to the office to see Dr. Stubblefield. To our surprise she had a 102.2 fever. Her strep test was negative and the flu test was positive. She has flu A. Our hearts just melted when she began to cry because she would miss her downtown Auburn field trip today and Read Across America Day on Friday. She has been looking so forward to both. On Friday they were getting to wear their pajamas to school. I told her that the next day she got to go to school I would let her wear her pajamas. I spoke with her teacher, Mrs. Griffies, last night to warn her that it was in her class now. She was so sweet! She told me she would take Madison on her own personal field trip one weekend when she was better. I also warned her about the pajama. She just laughed and agreed. Madison wanted to speak with her but all she could do was whimper. It was heart breaking. She had a good night except when her fever went up. Thank goodness the Tylenol and Motrin are keeping it down. We are hoping that since she has had the flu shot every year of her life that it will not get so severe. She is such a trooper! I have been spraying Lysol everywhere trying to keep Allison from getting it. I can handle Keith or myself but just not the kids.

I will keep everyone updated. Please say a little prayer that this will run its course quick and that it will leave our house with no one else affected.


1 comment:

Jodi said...

I am so sorry yall are going through this too!! Lucas tested positive on 2/22 and then again a full week later. Drew tested positive on Tuesday. It has been the worst two weeks ever. It is amazing how hard it hit Luke, but Drew never even acted sick!!!! I hope Madison feels better soon!