Monday, June 23, 2008

Allison Learns to Ski

This afternoon Allison learned to ski. Pop knew 2 guys, Russell and Brooks Glass, that taught people how to ski at Calloway Gardens and arranged for them to teach her to ski. Today Pop picked her up early from DARE Camp and headed to Lake Harding. Within 15 minutes Allison was up! After a couple of times she was able to get up all by herself. She came home so excited! Pop was able to snap some pictures from the dock. Sorry some are fuzzy, Pop was not used to Allison's camera. If you look closely to the last picture she is waving. WOW! We look forward to Allison skiing more at the lake and maybe Madison will pick it up a lot sooner with Allison already doing it.

Great Job Allison! We are proud of you!

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